Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

Jack Of Hearts Jack Of Hearts 21 September 2012

New, Old and Unpopular Characters

If you played spec op 2 or 3 you would have seen that the hero deploys make you deploy characters that cost 58-90 CPs. I think Playdom is "forcing" us to buy characters.

For example, a lot of people don't want to buy BP but now they have to if they want to get Magik. Another example, a lot of people didn't want to buy Pheonix but they had to because they wanted to get Emma Frost.I think that's not fair because they totally nerf those characters afterwards, but this is not the subject of this blog post.

BP and Pheonix are mildly popular chracters and I think that Playdom is trying to get people to buy the New characters like Rogue or Gambit and the Old and not-so-popular characters.

Playdom are making the game harder for people that don't buy …

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Jack Of Hearts Jack Of Hearts 21 September 2012

Spec Op 3- Relaxing...

I don't understand why people are so nervous about this new special operation. You have 25 days to complete it! I know that a lot of people are nervous about the problem with the epic bosses but I think that everyone should want to expand their "alliance" by recruiting more heroes. To get more gold you can purchase it or earn it, so relax...

Some people are nervous because they won't have enough unstable ISO-8, but remember how Playdom gave everyone TONS of unstable ISO-8 before the end of the second special operation, so you can wait until the ending to get tons of it or you can just ask friends for it, so relax...

After all, you don't need to get super nervous because of this because this is only a game. It's not like someone is pointing a…

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Jack Of Hearts Jack Of Hearts 21 September 2012

The next hero coming out

If you played the new spec op, "Avengers VS. X-men", and got to the point when you get the "Faultseeker", you would have seen Beast telling you to research new weapons. I think that the fact Playdom already put beast in the game tells us something. I think that Beast will be the next character coming out...

Which class do you think that Beast is gonna be?

Comment below!

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Jack Of Hearts Jack Of Hearts 22 August 2012

The Thing- New Costume, New Hero

Ever since the Thing got his new costume andd I bought it, I begun seeing him as a brand new hero. Before he got his FF costume he was my least favorite hero. Now, after I bought his new costume and after his abilities switched (Stonewall became the new LVL 2 attack), I think of him as a great Bruiser ( I didn't buy his Scrapper costume yet but I'm sure it's great and possibly better than his Bruiser costume). I put him with a Scrapper and let the Stonewall do its job.

I'm more than looking forward to Spider Man and Invisible Woman's FF costumes. I think it's great that those costumes don't have a time limit like The Avengers costumes because now that you can't farm CP it's harder to get command points.

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Jack Of Hearts Jack Of Hearts 21 August 2012

Emma Frost and PVP

Almost every player has Emma Frost now one way or another. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that so many players managed to get their hands on Emma Frost, but I'm a little annoyed to. The reason I am annoyed is that people think it's cool to be unbeatable in PVP and then they put Emma Frost and a tank (Captain America, Colossus etc.). It is a very good strategy but no oone thinks about the consequences. Almost every PVP battle becomes 5 round long or less...

My opinion is: the best way to fight Emma Frost is to get Emma Frost for yourself.Destroy the tank first and then focus all your attacks on Emma Frost (she has Organic Recovery but it doesn't matter if all of your team attacks her). Before you attack Emma Frost you should see if the agent…

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