Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

Blackmax Blackmax 16 November 2013


For reference:

I dislike GBCW diaries. What are intended to be the "last great acts of grand defiance" usually devolve into finger-pointing whinefests. This is my last contribution to this wiki, but I don't intend to go down the GBCW road. Instead, I would like to briefly set a few facts into public view and issue a final caution to the wiki admins. They can take it or leave it as they like. They can ban me (and I imagine they will), but that will be irrelevant.

Prelim: Playdom has the full rights and power to do anything they like with the game. They can turn the VTK into a lightsaber or a turnip if they choose. We could wake up tomorrow and find ourselves playing, not Avengers Alliance, …

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Blackmax Blackmax 13 September 2013

Bargain Heroes: Getting the Most Out of Your Command Points

This article is not for the "wallet warriors" who sink gobs of their money into the game. They can buy command points as they like and buy heroes as they see fit. They don't have to be stingy with their command points and spend much of their mission time "farming" for CP. This is for those of us who have to squeeze as much out of their precious CPs as they can. We can't buy the 90CP and 135CP heroes with impunity, and we're more likely to buy "cheaper" heroes in the lower levels. This guide will hopefully help you decide which ones to buy early on, and get every bit of effectiveness you can out of your limited CP stash.

Caveats: I'm not an expert on the game (yet). What I write here is based on my own experiences and what I've read on this …

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Blackmax Blackmax 31 August 2013

The Novice's Guide to Class Advantages/Disadvantages

I've made it into the low 70s for my Agent level as I write this, and I've learned some things that I wish I had known at lower levels. One of the concepts that eluded me at earlier levels was how the different class advantages/disadvantages worked. I'm pretty much figured it out now (mostly), and so I'm writing this to give novice and less experienced players an easy, no-gobbledygook resource to learn how the various advantages/disadvantages work. This is not going to be useful for the veteran players, but they can be useful to this guide by making comments, corrections and elaborations below. Thanks!

(For the math and symbol impaired: > means "stronger than." Readers will notice a good bit of repetition, as this is designed more for an at-a-…

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Blackmax Blackmax 22 August 2013

Avengers for Novices No. 1: Sue Storm and the Force Shield of Glory

This is the first in a nearly-random set of observations and musings from a not-quite newbie to the game, written for the even newbier and based on my limited experience, observations, and readings from around the Web. Most of what you find on the Interwebz about this or that Avengers Alliance character is written for the vets -- why this "alt" uniform is better than that one, why you should use this 64GP weapon against that 135CP hero in Adamantium PVP, etc. (Acronyms making you crazy? Learn the lingo here.) Most of us aren't ready for that kind of info yet, and (I presume) most of us aren't interested in racking up credit card charges to acquire all the wonderful toys. We're "forced" to farm for silver and command points and use the "che…

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Blackmax Blackmax 21 August 2013

Question: Leveling Heroes

Not making a statement or taking a stand, just throwing a question out for discussion.

Take it as a given that a player is not spending money on the game, and not spending endless hours/day playing and silver farming. Silver, therefore, needs to be rationed cautiously. (Players who routinely run for Dad's credit card won't have to worry about the rest of this post.)

What is the advantage of leveling a hero past Level 9 except for opening up more chip slots, and earning PVP bonuses? Seems I have better things to spend my silver on than the truly awesome amounts it takes to get to the last three levels.

I'll note that I may be exposing a great swath of ignorance on my part. If so, don't hesitate to let me know. I'll have learned something.

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