Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

Currently, the AvX setup seems to be most efficient, not just in terms of potential points, but in terms of annoyance and tediousness as most fights will be over with minimal amount of clicks and waits.


  1. Arc Reactor
  2. Chrono Overdrive (20 gold well spent)
  3. Mutant's End (for insulation properties)
  4. Phoenix Flare

Note: Phoenix Flare seems to be ubiquitous, and there are enough energy attacks out there to justify the use of Mutant's end for defensive purposes (needs no activation, so will save you even at the beginning of the battle). The only thing is that there is a 1 round charge time and the Chrono overdrive requires 2, meaning that there's off-sync times. Situation will dictate whether I wait out the turn using the Mutant's End or just blast away without the Chrono Overdrive.

Emma with her Unlock Potential is a near must for a oneshot kill. Her P5 bonus removes the debuffs just in time while giving similar benefits. P5 bonuses from Cyclops and Phoenix are also useful, though I will give a slight edge to Phoenix's, as hitting is more important than hitting hard (when hit). Also thinking of using Captain America as he'll always go first and can set up using shield throw.

But then again, P5 effects may apply even without any of the P5 costumed heroes consuming a turn, so it is entirely possible that the agent goes first with both P5 effects applied on him (although I have only seen one applied at the same time).

Still need to work out if there is a way to guarantee that the AI uses the items in the correct order, that is AR-CO-PF.

PVE - non-bosses

  1. Arc Reactor
  2. Chrono Overdrive
  3. Sudden Support
  4. Phoenix Flare

Sudden support is there to make up for the off-synced chrono overdrive. PVP settings will suffice most of the time, but this works slightly better. Trying to get as high a score as possible on Spec Op using this setup.

PVE - bosses

  1. Arc Reactor
  2. Chrono Overdrive
  3. Target Painter
  4. Phoenix Flare

Obviously the target painter is applied first to the boss (ignoring the minions) dealing extra damage. It still won't one-shot 5 star viper or 5 star magneto as I'm deploying random assortments of heroes here, and can get seriously tedious with a postively shielded Magneto (since it is buggy and won't budge unless you are negatively charged) as you don't have a debuff applying weapon (Faulteater was awesome for this).
