Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 1 RedEffect Icon 009
Debuff 1 round
 Attacks cannot be Stealthy
Related / Similar Effects:
Far Sight - Most enemy attacks cannot be Stealthy; Chance to negate preemptive counter-attacksFar Sight - Most enemy attacks cannot be Stealthy; Chance to negate preemptive counter-attacks
 Far Sight
Hyper Awareness - Attacks against this character cannot be StealthyHyper Awareness - Attacks against this character cannot be Stealthy
 Hyper Awareness
Ripple Effect 1 Round - Kang counters and prevents counter-attacks and follow-up attacks; Enemy attacks cannot be StealthyRipple Effect 1 Round - Kang counters and prevents counter-attacks and follow-up attacks; Enemy attacks cannot be Stealthy
 Ripple Effect
Crazed - Most Defensive Actions cannot be Subtle; Most Attacks cannot be StealthyCrazed - Most Defensive Actions cannot be Subtle; Most Attacks cannot be Stealthy
Insane - Most Defensive Actions cannot be Subtle; Most Attacks cannot be Stealthy or CatastrophicInsane - Most Defensive Actions cannot be Subtle; Most Attacks cannot be Stealthy or Catastrophic
Hubbled (1 round) - Attacks cannot be StealthyHubbled (1 round) - Attacks cannot be Stealthy
1 round
Effect BG 1 RedHobbled
 Attacks cannot be Stealthy


Icon Name Chance
Uniform Tactician 9 MaleUniform Tactician 9 Female Tactician's Safeguard Suit
Tactician Safeguard - Debuff actions that are not Quick Actions may be a Quick Action once per round; Chance to apply Hobbled with single-target damaging attacksTactician Safeguard - Debuff actions that are not Quick Actions may be a Quick Action once per round; Chance to apply Hobbled with single-target damaging attacks
 Tactician Safeguard

Augmented Isotope-8[]

Icon Name Ability
A-Iso Orange 043 Collapsing A-Iso-8 Any Ground attack
A-Iso Yellow 016 Slamming Augmented Iso-8
(Hank Pym Hank Pym only)
Hank Pym-Goliath Punch Goliath Punch


Icon Name
Bio-Electric Pistol Bio-Electric Pistol


Icon Name
Vibranium Frag Grenade Vibranium Frag Grenade


Name Ability
Agent Venom Icon 1
Agent Venom-Bullet Blitz Bullet Blitz
Daredevil Icon 1Daredevil Icon 2
Daredevil-Snap Kick Snap Kick
Daredevil Icon 3
Daredevil-Snap Kick Violent Verdict
Drax Icon 1Drax Icon 2
Drax-Hack and Slash Hack and Slash
Elektra Icon 1
Elektra-Rain of Blood Rain of Blood
Groot Icon 1Groot Icon 2
Groot-I AM Groot! I AM Groot!
Lizard Icon 1
Lizard-Tail Swipe Tail Swipe
Misty Knight Icon 1
Misty Knight-Sugar and Spice Sugar and Spice
Red She-Hulk Icon 1
Red She-Hulk-Curb Stomp Curb Stomp
Shanna Icon 1
Shanna-Spear Vault Spear Vault
Star-Lord Icon 1Star-Lord Icon 2
Star-Lord-Quantum Leap Quantum Leap
Taskmaster Icon 1
Infiltrator Power 2 rounds - Counter enemy attacks; Increases damage dealt by 30%; Attacks become StealthyInfiltrator Power 2 rounds - Counter enemy attacks; Increases damage dealt by 30%; Attacks become Stealthy
 Infiltrator Power
Taskmaster-Ricochet Shield Ricochet Shield
Winter Soldier Icon 1
Winter Soldier-Aimed Shot Aimed Shot
Wonder Man Icon 1
Wonder Man-One Hit Wonder One Hit Wonder


Name Ability
Daredevil Icon
Snap Kick
Red Skull Icon
Tactician Red Skull
Winter Soldier Icon
 Winter Soldier
Aimed Shot

