Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 1 BlueEffect Icon 043
  High Crits
Attack Buff
 Increased chance of critical hits
Related / Similar Effects:
Blade Master - Attacks against Tenderized targets Ignore Defense and have a high chance to critBlade Master - Attacks against Tenderized targets Ignore Defense and have a high chance to crit
 Blade Master
Guaranteed Crit - This attack will crit if possibleGuaranteed Crit - This attack will crit if possible
 Guaranteed Crit
Focused Attacks - The next attack is guaranteed to crit and ignores defenseFocused Attacks - The next attack is guaranteed to crit and ignores defense
 Focused Attacks
High Crits
Attack Buff
Effect BG 1 BlueHigh Crits
 Increased chance of critical hits

Empowered Isotope-8[]

Icon Name
Empowered Iso-8 010 Close Empowered Iso-8
Any Melee attacks
Empowered Iso-8 011 Distant Empowered Iso-8
Any Ranged attacks


Icon Name
.50 Anti-Materiel Rifle .50 Anti-Materiel Rifle
Sub-0 Optics Military Rifle Bolt-Action 4 Bore
BP-1 Headhunter BP-1 Headhunter
Charged Future Blaster Charged Future Blaster
Custom Bolt-Action 4 Bore Custom Bolt-Action 4 Bore
Custom Eagle's Eye Custom Eagle's Eye
Custom Energy Fist Custom Energy Fist
Custom Katana Custom Katana
P.E.W. "Quell II" Custom Neural Wave Disruptor
Custom Only For Killing Custom Only For Killing
Custom P.E.W. "Zealous" Custom P.E.W. "Zealous"
Custom Perforator Custom Perforator
Custom S.A. "Ambush" Custom S.A. "Ambush"
Custom Screaming Eagle .50 Custom Screaming Eagle .50
Custom Sub-0 Optics Military Rifle Custom Sub-0 Optics Military Rifle
Destroyer Power Relic Destroyer Power Relic
El Diablo El Diablo
Energy Fist Energy Fist
Face Punch Face Punch
Future Blaster Future Blaster
Gilded Semi-Auto Gun Gilded Semi-Auto Gun
Golden Katana Golden Katana
Golden P.E.W. "Raze" Golden P.E.W. "Raze"
Golden Screaming Eagle Golden Screaming Eagle
Golden T.Q. 5000 Golden T.Q. 5000
Hammering Nail Hammering Nail
Hammer Pistol Hammer Pistol
Handheld Hohlraum Handheld Hohlraum
Heir of Hell Heir of Hell
Hobnail Hobnail
Incensor Incensor
Laprov Laprov
Laprov! Laprov!
Maggia "Triggerman" Maggia "Triggerman"
Maggia Captain's Fist Maggia Captain's Fist
Metaphysical Rifle Metaphysical Rifle
Mordant Laser Rifle Mordant Laser Rifle
Nanite Inductive Nailgun Nanite Inductive Nailgun
P.E.W. "Quell" Neural Wave Disruptor
Only For Killing Only For Killing
P.E.W. "Anchor" P.E.W. "Anchor"
P.E.W. "Quell" P.E.W. "Quell"
P.E.W. "Anchor" P.E.W. "Raze"
P.E.W. "Zealous" P.E.W. "Zealous"
Restored Welrod Silenced Pistol Restored Welrod Silenced Pistol
S.A. "Ambush" S.A. "Ambush"
Savage Axe Savage Axe
Screaming Eagle .50 Screaming Eagle .50
S.H.I.E.L.D. Slugger S.H.I.E.L.D. Slugger
Stake Hammer Stake Hammer
Stark Resilient Stark Resilient
Sub-0 Optics Military Rifle Sub-0 Optics Military Rifle
Cauterizer Super Blade Punch
Thanaphage Thanaphage
The Finisher The Finisher
S.A. "Ambush" The Perforator
Welrod Silenced Pistol Welrod Silenced Pistol


Name Action
Angela Icon 1
Angela-Blood Angel Blood Angel
Avalanche Icon 1
Avalanche-The Big One The Big One
Cannonball Icon 1
Cannonball-Comin' Through Comin' Through
Deadpool Icon 1Deadpool Icon 2
Deadpool-Bang Bang Bang! Bang Bang Bang!
Ghost Rider Icon 1
Ghost Rider-Penance Stare Penance Stare
Groot Icon 1Groot Icon 2
Groot-I am Groot! I am Groot!
Hulk Icon 1Hulk Icon 2Hulk Icon 3Hulk Icon 4
Hulk-Rage Punch Rage Punch
Hulk Icon 5
Hulk-Rage Punch Incredible Rage Punch
Iron Fist Icon 2
Iron Fist-White Hot Iron Fist White Hot Iron Fist
Kang Icon 1
Kang-Temporal Armory Temporal Armory
Juggernaut Icon 1
Juggernaut-I'm the Juggernaut! I'm the Juggernaut!
Lizard Icon 1
Lizard-Septic Bite Septic Bite
Nova Icon 1
Nova-Finger Laser Finger Laser
Phyla-Vell Icon 1
Phyla-Vell-Pray To Your Gods Pray To Your Gods
Punisher Icon 1
Punisher-CE-3 Sniper Rifle CE-3 Sniper Rifle
Shatterstar Icon 1
Shatterstar-Blade Maelstrom Blade Maelstrom
Shatterstar-Mojo Skewer Mojo Skewer
Shatterstar-Vibro Shockwave Vibro Shockwave
Shatterstar-Gladiatorial Carnage Gladiatorial Carnage
Blade Master - Attacks against Tenderized targets Ignore Defense and have a high chance to critBlade Master - Attacks against Tenderized targets Ignore Defense and have a high chance to crit
 Blade Master
Spiral Icon 1
Spiral-Cut Loose Cut Loose
Star-Lord Icon 1Star-Lord Icon 2
Star-Lord-Element Gun Element Gun
Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.

Star-Lord-Rocks Fall Rocks Fall
Storm Icon 1Storm Icon 2
Storm-Tornado Tornado
Superior Spider-Man Icon 1
Superior Spider-Man-Superior Armaments Superior Armaments
Thundra Icon 1
Thundra-Perfect Storm Perfect Storm
War Machine Icon 1War Machine Icon 3
War Machine-Blade Punch Blade Punch
War Machine Icon 2
War Machine-Plasma Blade Plasma Blade
X-23 Icon 1X-23 Icon 2
X-23-Made For Walking Made For Walking


Name Action
Baron Mordo Icon
 Baron Mordo
Bolts of Balthakk
Deadpool Icon
Bang Bang Bang!
Hulk Icon
Rage Punch
Hulk 2 Icon
Incredible Rage Punch
Lizard Icon
Septic Bite
Sin Icon
War Icon
Made For Walking
