Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 1 RedEffect Icon 038
Debuff 2 rounds
 Reduces Evasion
 Attacks do 20% less damage and cannot crit
 A second application of Webbed applies Tangled Web
 A third application of Webbed applies in Binding Web
Related / Similar Effects:
Polarized (2 rounds) - Attacks from this character can't crit; Can't dodge attacksPolarized (2 rounds) - Attacks from this character can't crit; Can't dodge attacks
Dazed 1 round - Has a chance to cause Staggered, Exposed, or CorneredDazed 1 round - Has a chance to cause Staggered, Exposed, or Cornered
Deathfrost (2 rounds) - Losing Stamina every turn; Evasion loweredDeathfrost (2 rounds) - Losing Stamina every turn; Evasion lowered
Impaired - Attacks from target enemy do 20% less damage and cannot crit; Cancelled by Restrain or SubdueImpaired - Attacks from target enemy do 20% less damage and cannot crit; Cancelled by Restrain or Subdue
Magnetized (2 rounds) - Attacks from this character can't crit; Can't dodge attacksMagnetized (2 rounds) - Attacks from this character can't crit; Can't dodge attacks
Slowed (3 rounds) - Evasion reduced by 25%Slowed (3 rounds) - Evasion reduced by 25%
Sticky (3 rounds) - Evasion reduced by 25%Sticky (3 rounds) - Evasion reduced by 25%
Straining (2 rounds) - Losing Stamina every round or after performing hostile actions; Lowers Evasion; This effect can be applied 3 timesStraining (2 rounds) - Losing Stamina every round or after performing hostile actions; Lowers Evasion; This effect can be applied 3 times
Svartalfheim Effect - Attacks do reduced damage and cannot crit; Asgardians are immune to this effectSvartalfheim Effect - Attacks do reduced damage and cannot crit; Asgardians are immune to this effect
 Svartalfheim Effect
2 rounds
Effect BG 1 RedWebbed
 Reduces Evasion
 Attacks do 20% less damage and cannot crit
 A second application of Webbed applies Tangled Web
 A third application of Webbed applies in Binding Web


  • Reduces Evasion by 20%.


Icon Name
Close Quarter Net-Caster Close Quarter Net-Caster
Grace Note Grace Note
Inferior Webber Inferior Webber
Net-Caster Net-Caster
Tattered Gloves Tattered Gloves
Web Blaster Web Blaster
Web Shooter Web Shooter
Webbed Gloves Webbed Gloves


Icon Name
Web Grenade Web Grenade


Name Ability
Agent Venom Icon 1
Out Of Control - May not attack the chosen target; Chance to be Under Control after an attack; Guaranteed to return Under Control after an enemy is KO'edOut Of Control - May not attack the chosen target; Chance to be Under Control after an attack; Guaranteed to return Under Control after an enemy is KO'ed
 Out Of Control
Agent Venom-Along Came A Venom Along Came A Venom
Amazing Spider-Woman Icon 1Amazing Spider-Woman Icon 2
Amazing Spider-Woman-Impact Webbing Impact Webbing
Anti-Venom Icon 1
Constrictor Icon 1
Web Grenade
Quartermaster - Chance to use a random item before an attackQuartermaster - Chance to use a random item before an attack
Hawkeye Icon 2
Hawkeye-Sure Shot Glue Arrow
Loaded Quiver - Randomly pulls out arrows that cause a variety of effectsLoaded Quiver - Randomly pulls out arrows that cause a variety of effects
 Loaded Quiver
Glue Arrow - Next attack will fire glue arrowsGlue Arrow - Next attack will fire glue arrows
 Glue Arrow
Hawkeye-Arrow Volley Glue Volley
Loaded Quiver - Randomly pulls out arrows that cause a variety of effectsLoaded Quiver - Randomly pulls out arrows that cause a variety of effects
 Loaded Quiver
Glue Arrow - Next attack will fire glue arrowsGlue Arrow - Next attack will fire glue arrows
 Glue Arrow
Punisher Icon 1
Punisher-Tangler Grenade Tangler Grenade
Scarlet Witch Icon 1Scarlet Witch Icon 2Scarlet Witch Icon 3
Scarlet Witch-Probability Field Probability Field
Probability Field - Creates random buffs on all allies and random debuffs on all enemiesProbability Field - Creates random buffs on all allies and random debuffs on all enemies
 Probability Field (2% chance)
Silk Icon 1
Silk-Spinning Silk Spinning Silk
Webbing Stream - Apply 1 to 3 applications of WebbedWebbing Stream - Apply 1 to 3 applications of Webbed
 Webbing Stream
Spider-Girl Icon 1
Spider-Girl-Web Them Up Web Them Up
Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.

Spider-Girl-Web Crazy Web Crazy
Spider-Girl-One Shot One Shot
Spider-Gwen Icon 1
Spider-Gwen-Backbeat Rimshots Backbeat Rimshots
Spider-Gwen-Bring The House Down Bring The House Down
Spider-Man Icon 1Spider-Man Icon 2Spider-Man Icon 3Spider-Man Icon 4
Spider-Man-Web Shot Web Shot
Spider-Man 2099 Icon 1
Spider-Man 2099-Future Webbing Future Webbing
Spider-Man Noir Icon 1
Spider-Man Noir-Gum Up the Works Gum Up the Works
Superior Spider-Man Icon 1
Superior Spider-Man-Superior Webbing Superior Webbing
Ultimate Spider-Man Icon 1
Ultimate Spider-Man-Ultimate Webbing Ultimate Webbing


Name Ability
Anti-Venom Icon
Arcade Icon
InfiltratorTactician Arcade
Loaded Dice
Probability Field - Creates random buffs on all allies and random debuffs on all enemiesProbability Field - Creates random buffs on all allies and random debuffs on all enemies
 Probability Field
(2% chance)
Hybrid Icon
Blaster Hybrid
Tentacle Whip
Spec Ops 18.3
Scarlet Witch Icon
 Scarlet Witch
Probability Field
Probability Field - Creates random buffs on all allies and random debuffs on all enemiesProbability Field - Creates random buffs on all allies and random debuffs on all enemies
 Probability Field
(2% chance)
Scream Icon
Hair Extension
Spider-Man Icon
Web Shot

Related Effects[]

Patch Notes[]

June 10, 2015 Patch Notes

  • Undocumented Change
    • No longer applies
      Staggered (3 rounds) - Cannot dodge most attacks; Ignores most Advoidance effectsStaggered (3 rounds) - Cannot dodge most attacks; Ignores most Advoidance effects
       Staggered and
      Constricted (3 rounds) - The next attack against this target will be a guaranteed critConstricted (3 rounds) - The next attack against this target will be a guaranteed crit
    • Added description:
      • Reduces Evasion
      • Attacks do 20% less damage and cannot crit
