Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 1 BlueEffect Icon 134
  Arc Lightning
 Applies Static Charge to all enemies if Storm has Elemental Mastery
This Effect is a part of:
Hero-Only Effects
Arc Lightning

Effect BG 1 BlueArc Lightning
 Applies Static Charge to all enemies if Storm has Elemental Mastery


Name Ability
Storm Icon 1Storm Icon 2
Storm-Lightning Lightning

Caused Effects[]

Effects Requires
Static Charge (3 rounds) - Nearby electric attacks may chain to this target, causing extra damage.Static Charge (3 rounds) - Nearby electric attacks may chain to this target, causing extra damage.
 Static Charge
Elemental Mastery - Increases Storm's Elemental damage; Unlocks additional offensive benefits on Storm's attacksElemental Mastery - Increases Storm's Elemental damage; Unlocks additional offensive benefits on Storm's attacks
 Elemental Mastery
